The company stands as a leading trucking and logistics provider in the Midwest, renowned for upholding unparalleled standards of safety, efficiency, and performance for every customer they serve. These principles, upheld meticulously in their logistics operations, extend to their health insurance practices. In the face of a challenging logistics landscape and economic challenges, the company embarked on a strategic healthcare initiative. Their objective? To tackle the mounting pressures of rising healthcare expenses.
In the face of their challenges, AMPS emerged as a strategic ally. Sharing a vision for transparent and efficient healthcare management, AMPS offered a tailored solution. By embracing AMPS’ Intelligent Pricing program, the company found a reliable partner to rectify billing discrepancies and establish fair, sustainable healthcare costs for their 300 employees.
Since partnering with AMPS in 2020, the company has witnessed a transformative shift in their financial landscape. Facing daunting healthcare expenses, their billed charges underwent a drastic reduction. The initial billed charges amounted to a staggering $8,189,671, equivalent to 698% of Medicare rates. Through AMPS’ negotiations, the charges were significantly lowered, leading to substantial savings. The adjusted amount stood at $1,736,601, representing a notable 78.8% discount through RBP. This reduction totaled $6,453,070. This shift not only provided immediate financial relief but also laid the foundation for a secure and stable future.
In their journey with AMPS, the Midwest Trucking and Logistics Company experienced a seamless resolution process. Pushback issues were minimal, with only 1.1% of members encountering initial balance bills. Every balance bill, regardless of complexity, was managed and resolved, reflecting AMPS’ unwavering commitment to their members.