Empowering Transformation in the Face of Escalating Costs

Case Study Snapshot
  • Southern Mississippi
  • Inventory Management & Logistics
  • 2,600 Covered Lives
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The Challenge

Escalating Healthcare Expenses

In the intricate world of logistics, the company excels in streamlining operations and championing eco-conscious strategies. However, the company was dealing with escalating healthcare costs and looking for more insight and control over their healthcare plan. The objective was clear: bring the same strategic approach and expertise they applied to their business into managing their healthcare expenses effectively

Our Solution

Transparent Billing and Fair Pricing

The company’s commitment to transparent business practices and fairness closely mirrored the principles at AMPS. At AMPS, we advocate for transparent healthcare practices aligned with fair benchmarks.

By leveraging our Intelligent Pricing program, they gained insight, ensuring billing accuracy and fair repricing – a vital step toward equitable healthcare finance.


The AMPS Approach

Since partnering with AMPS in 2020, the company has seen a transformative change. The initial billed charges amounted to a staggering $16,974,566, 662% of Medicare rates. Through AMPS’ negotiations, these charges were substantially reduced, resulting in an adjusted amount of $3,675,730, a 78.3% discount through RBP. This reduction equates to substantial savings, totaling $13,298,836.

Over 99% of claims did not face any pushback. A minimal 0.7% received an initial balance bill, and a mere 0.2% encountered a second balance bill. Remarkably, AMPS Member Advocates successfully managed and resolved 100% of these balance bills, ensuring a seamless experience for the organization and its members.

By making healthcare financials manageable, we’ve empowered the company to focus on what they do best while ensuring their 2,600 employees receive quality care without the burden of astronomical costs.

Confronted with increasing healthcare expenses, the company required enhanced control and strategic management of their healthcare plan.
Confronted with increasing healthcare expenses, the company required enhanced control and strategic management of their healthcare plan.
Million Over 3 Year Saved
Savings Over 3 Years


99% of claims never produced a bill

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